DTI members collaborating together

Support our team

The generous contributions of our supporters and sponsors allow our team to continue building products and hosting initiatives to help the Cornell and Ithaca communities.

Donate now

Build relationships

We help organizations create a diverse talent pipeline, present information sessions, conduct workshops, and help establish a presence on Cornell's campus.


Make an impact

All of the funds we receive are directly invested back into the team. Through software licenses, community outreach, marketing, and more, funds help us grow our vision of helping our the community.


Help us thrive

Your contributions are crucial in helping the DTI community grow and maintain its vibrant culture. You can make a direct impact on the Cornell experience!

Sponsorship benefits


Recognition on DTI website

Logo placement on sponsorship materials


Campus-wide marketing & publicity

Support & usage of company products on campus


Access to resume book

Access to our talent pipeline for recruitment


Flagship initiative co-sponsor

Company-specific publicity & swag distribution


Host up to 1 initiative per semester

Includes technical workshop, career chats, etc.


Host up to 3 initiatives per semester

With priority scheduling; each additional event costs $250


Promotional space in Duffield Hall

Reserve space in Cornell’s central engineering hub, ideal for networking, swag distribution, and branding

Thank you to our sponsors!


Want to learn more about how you can help us make an impact?

Contact us